We participated in another “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” event this past weekend! Just like last year, we had a blast and we love having spare time to bowl for a great cause! As a team we raised $500 in donations. The event raised over $65,000 to continue to help Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island provide excellent mentors for their programs for children in Rhode Island! Check out our team, “No Lane, No Gain” taking the lane by storm!
Just like the description said, it was the most fun our managers had in rented shoes. We’re glad we had some “spare” time to bowl for such a great cause and organization. We love knowing that all of our donations will help support Big Brothers Big Sisters in their mission to provide excellent mentors to RI youth.
About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island
Originally founded in 1966 as the Big Sister Association of Rhode Island, founders and volunteers realized there was a need for youth mentoring program with the mission of providing positive role models for girls in the community. Since then the organization has grown, partnering with numerous community groups and businesses to achieve its mission of bettering the lives of boys and girls throughout the state. For over 50 years Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island has been pairing children with mentors, creating lasting friendships and empowering each child to actualize their maximum potential.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to making a difference in the lives of children in our communities by providing children in our communities with professionally trained and supported adult mentors. With the help of our volunteer mentors, BBBSRI helps children understand and realize their full potential as they grow to be all they can be. With the help and support of their “Bigs”, children (“Littles”) are encouraged to overcome adversity, proudly recognize their strengths, and work to become better individuals every day of their lives.
To learn more about BBBSRI or to join their efforts, visit www.bigsri.org/